[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/23
Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jun 23
Removing fear from your life is only a problem if a tree is about to fall on you, or if some other such dangerous situation presents itself. In a case like this, fear is valuable because it gives you the impetus to get out of the way of danger. But otherwise, it can cause you to hide and steer clear of opportunities that do not present any real danger. If you are afraid of a chance that you have received to do something a little bit different, fear is not necessary or helpful. In fact, it could derail
your chances. Fortune favors the bold, and this is something that should work in your favor today, Taurus.
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/23或許有個”次要劇情”在你新生活中進行著。但因為你努力地工作著,以至於你沒有注意 到發生了其他事。所以你今天要格外警惕和注意,你會看到一個機會隱藏在正在進行的工 作中,阿牛。如果你退一步觀察的話,就會開始注意到有更大的機會能夠擴展你現在正在 進行的事,讓它變得比你想得還要更大吧。 ———3
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[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/12今天不要害怕去嘗試新的事物,阿牛。 你可能會安於現狀,雖然這也很不錯,因為它能 夠為你帶來安全感與舒適。但要注意,不要因為太過舒適而遠離了有趣的機會與邀請。這 是一鬆懈就會發生的事,一段時間後,你可能甚至不會注意到你已經將自己從非日常的冒 險中剔除了。今天的你有機會進入新的領域冒險。這可能會變成相當特別的一件事。 ———3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/04/04我們常在生活中自我限制而沒有發覺,這是因為我們對自己能做到的事缺乏信心,這個問 題也能延伸到我們的社交生活中。我們可能會待在某個”群體”中,因為它不會挑戰我們 ,而且 我們也會因為擔心自己無法融入另一個群體而猶豫不決。阿牛,在今天或是不久之後,你 會有機會讓一些新人進到你的生活中。他們或許與你習慣的那些人不同,但這是件對你來2
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[情報] 04/12 the daily horoscopeFear and pain are useful tools. Both can alert us to situations where we need to be cautious and self-protective. But when fear becomes a ruling emotion in many areas of life, it is out of control. If you are fearing something now, th at fear has the potential to make your life brighter and richer, but you don't have to jump right in. To be more successful at dealig with it, you should ex1
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[情報] 0307 DailyHoroscopeWe are all born with the capacity to feel fear, but it has a purpose. Fear war ns us of danger and alerts us so that we can remain alert and hopefully safe. But if it is not used for that purpose and is not in check, it can begin to ru le us, and then damage us rather than save us. If you feel a seed of fear taki ng route now related to the pursuit of something you want, you have to allow y1
[情報] 06/26 the daily horoscopeYou may be keeping a fear of yours a secret, and it is holding you back. You m ay think that if you reveal what you fear, others would see you as silly or we ak, so you just turn down great chances that come to you claiming a lack of ti me or interest. You are missing out though, Gemini, and you have two options f or changing this. You can either admit what you fear and find encouragement fr1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/01/10你可能會想知道今天是否是個冒險的好日子。這樣的想法可能會在你思考某些新穎且令人 興奮的事情時出現,阿牛。但首先,你必須先定義風險。這件事有風險是因為它很危險嗎 ?或許那裡會伴隨著巨大的潛在損失-那些你無法忍受的損失?又或者這種風險包含著失 敗的恐懼,還是它看起來很尷尬,甚至會被分類到失敗者的範圍呢?如果是後者其中一種 的話,那麼當你超越了這種恐懼的話,它帶來的風險就沒那麼大了。如果你只為自己嘗試