Re: [爆卦] 拜登:不會為台港發聲對抗中國

看板Gossiping標題Re: [爆卦] 拜登:不會為台港發聲對抗中國作者
時間推噓 3 推:5 噓:2 →:15



親川大將軍Fox news這篇講得很清楚了

But as president of the U.S., Biden said during a CNN town hall event in
Milwaukee, he has to speak out against Beijing’s aggression in Hong Kong,
"what’s he’s doing with the Uighurs in the western mountains of China," and
Taiwan. Biden said Xi understands that.

Fox News的理解也是拜登反對習的做法喔
當然他還是不忘批一下拜登說的"different norms"



※ 引述《chienyu2001 (花開花落自有時)》之銘言:
: 原文:I’m not gonna speak out against what he’s doing in Hong Kong, what he: ’s doing with the Uyghurs in the western mountain of China, and Taiwan trying: to end One China Policy by making it forceful.
: 這是拜登上CNN節目說的,影片在這:
: 小弟打的逐字稿在這;為了避免斷章取義,前後文和口語都儘可能附上了,小弟不才有聽: 錯聽漏歡迎補正:
: (前略)if you know anything about Chinese history, it has always been……. th: e time when China has been victimized by the outer world is when they haven’t: been unified at home. So the central principal of Xi Jinping is that there mu: st be a united tightly-controlled China, and he uses his rationale for the thi: ngs he does based on that.
: I point out to him, “No American president can sustained as a president if he: doesn’t reflect the values in the United States”, and so the idea, I’m not: speak out against what he’s doing in Hong Kong, what he’s doing with the Uy: ghurs int the western mountain of China, and Taiwan trying to end One China Po: licy by making it forceful. I… I said… and by the… He said He… He get it.
: Culturally there are different norms in each country, and their leaders are ex: pected to follow, but me point was that, when I came back from meeting with hi: me, traveling 17,000 miles when I was vice president(後略)
: 剛剛排版亂掉了...... 為各位眼睛抱歉
: (補充:小弟英文的確不如版上多益1000分、也蠻希望是自己誤會了什麼;但如果不超譯: 根
: 據原文的話,我個人挺擔心的)
: 再更:
: 看推文有些人認為拜登的意思是「人盡皆知的事不會特別發聲」,的確也是一種可能,但: 我不敢超譯,就只是用原文放上標題;再者不會特別發聲依然也是不會發聲,標題無意也: 並未造謠。
: 打內文附上逐字稿的用意在於避免斷章取義,大家對翻譯有意見或建議也才是討論的價值: ,謝謝各位指教。
: 三更:
: 第三種說法是and so the idea是在延續前面說美國總統不能做的事。但小弟淺見,拜登: 說完United States明顯已經換句、so的語調是「所以」而非「類比」。
: --
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owo020402/18 00:25推文也太多 柯韓粉傾巢而出

zxc123452902/18 00:25你把推文的白痴全備份進來了


※ 編輯: apporience ( 美國), 02/18/2021 00:27:42

saygogo02/18 00:35備份起來要幹嘛刪掉

bathilda02/18 00:35能打逐字稿結果看不懂文章,應該是標題黨帶風向

StylishTrade02/18 00:37斷章取義才是真心話好嗎

StylishTrade02/18 00:38前後文是道德防衛機制加上去的

StylishTrade02/18 00:38你要找出真心話 就剪一段最違反道德良知的那一段

StylishTrade02/18 00:39就對了

StylishTrade02/18 00:40就像女生說 你很醜 可是你很善良

StylishTrade02/18 00:40不要在自慰說他是稱讚你了

bathilda02/18 00:40美國不是獨裁,一個總統真心話沒用,他們是集體決策

StylishTrade02/18 00:41

trywish02/18 00:49看情況,我川那樣搞就證明美國總統權限其實很大,搞一次

trywish02/18 00:49就把中國打得半死,其他國家也跟著反抗。如果回到以前那

trywish02/18 00:50種態度,那其實就老樣子一中原則,兩邊賺利益。

meta4111002/18 00:56凸( ゚д゚)凸肥川那樣搞自己也很慘傷人3分自損7分不然

meta4111002/18 00:56怎麼滾下台樹倒眾人踹

bathilda02/18 01:01川普的政策有利於美國人民,損害既得利益集團

bathilda02/18 01:01被既得利益集團搞下去,很難懂?

owo020402/18 01:07川普狂搞跨國企業 跨國企業不爽

matchkiwi02/18 02:22今晚那篇值得商榷的翻譯文真的是全面進攻呢

Dovahkiin02/18 07:50有沒有發現5毛走狗在洗假新聞回文4%白共版主若無其事?