[黑特] "現在是怎樣" 的英文怎麼講??

看板HatePolitics標題[黑特] "現在是怎樣" 的英文怎麼講??作者
時間推噓38 推:40 噓:2 →:28



要嗆他 現在是怎樣


what's wrong with you?

What's happening ?

Now what?

要結合霸氣 要如何翻譯呢


※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

metam 09/08 10:00what the fuck

lunRUSSELL 09/08 10:00what is it now

coyoteY 09/08 10:00WTF U WANT

maverickming 09/08 10:00you want something, ese?

if2 09/08 10:01Say my name

maverickming 09/08 10:01you've got problem with me?

maverickming 09/08 10:02you've got something to say?

machiusheng 09/08 10:02Fuck now

Okonkwo 09/08 10:02New politics

Spinner3 09/08 10:02Fuck DPP

Okonkwo 09/08 10:02TMD is great. CF is the best


※ 編輯: xxxxqay ( 臺灣), 09/08/2024 10:04:45

hkd2 09/08 10:04hold my bear

testutw 09/08 10:05Sann tsai shi tsan yan?

SAMON5566 09/08 10:05Screw me up or shut up!

cschuan 09/08 10:05英文都簡單直接 son of a bixxx

RealNigga 09/08 10:05Now is what

changjc 09/08 10:06Gan ! What !

proletariat 09/08 10:06What's 夠淫蕩 now

cwc5566 09/08 10:06May show gun more

cxzqwer 09/08 10:06就Now what了

Basedon 09/08 10:06Gosh! what's going on?

f40075566 09/08 10:07say my name

nnkj 09/08 10:08how now

bluenan 09/08 10:10suck my dick

MVPGGYY 09/08 10:11none of your business?

brella 09/08 10:11Screw you

aragorn747 09/08 10:122772

trevor5566 09/08 10:12Who that fuck you

sean0126 09/08 10:13May show kang mo?

boogieman 09/08 10:13WTF Now?

Giornno 09/08 10:13it's not your business

Yaomini 09/08 10:13花惹發

chungj 09/08 10:14Fuck EBC

a1202799 09/08 10:14I told you

sazabisazabi 09/08 10:16我都唸costco

boogieman 09/08 10:17錯了 我改一下

boogieman 09/08 10:17Celina Now! 賽你娘 現在!

boogieman 09/08 10:17

mynews 09/08 10:17This is a book.

cycutom 09/08 10:25DPP IS BAD BAD.

hydra3179 09/08 10:28What's the fucking shit did you just

hydra3179 09/08 10:28 talking about

hydra3179 09/08 10:28不知道文法有沒有對

kixer2005 09/08 10:28what you gona do 才對

o86869595 09/08 10:29fucking bullshit

rogger 09/08 10:33who the fuck are you

Antler5566 09/08 10:34Now what?

mahament 09/08 10:40How dare you?

fancydick501 09/08 10:49wtf

teke 09/08 10:49Kaobay on you

MinatoFlash 09/08 11:02Wut the fxxk do ya want now

bearss 09/08 11:02Gun Lin Liang DPP

ginobili62 09/08 11:07now , what's happening?

royli 09/08 11:09fxxk off

test1024 09/08 11:13Gan ling nia

coolrock 09/08 11:19Now what?

dakkk 09/08 11:20what is your problem

icloud0606 09/08 11:21Shut up!

coolorphen 09/08 11:43CF is God ! repeat after me

BMWyang 09/08 11:59我都醬說,Who is Ur mother? So?

howard841013 09/08 12:03Wtf is going now?

fragmentwing 09/08 12:30Now what?最像吧

jumbojumbo 09/08 12:54M3

rogerlarger 09/08 12:58What the fuck?

tshu 09/08 13:25那個表情 Fuking now what

HansLee 09/08 13:28what now?

HansLee 09/08 13:28要兇一點就what the fucking now

timmyjjljg 09/08 13:47yooooooooooo

Smoltzy 09/08 15:16Now what?

ron19 09/08 15:37What the fucking you’re doing?