[黑特] 連遊民都驚呆了
(WaPo) In the capital of Blue State America, a new ferment over homelessness
Here, in the political capital of Blue State America, even the homeless cannot believe how many homeless there are.
美國 +州首府沙加緬度,堪稱美國民主黨的政治中心。
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蒸的!上海沒有餓死人..全世界都嚇尿了.... XD
右邊在打高爾夫 左邊在露營 美國人真注重假日休閒
加州會養這群垃圾啊 沒辦法
[爆卦] 五角大廈:95%的普京軍隊仍完好無損The Pentagon has been providing daily updates on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Ukraine's efforts to resist. 五角大廈每天都在提供有關俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭以及烏克蘭大力抵抗的最新消息 Here are highlights of what a senior U.S. defense official told reporters on爆
[花邊] Lue:只要有LBJ在,西區前幾名的球隊都Lue:只要有LBJ在,西區前幾名的球隊都不會想在季後賽碰到湖人 Ty Lue says he knows a lot of people are counting the Lakers out but he says he knows how tough it has been for the Lakers with all the different lineups. He sa ys with LeBron over there, no high seed will want to see the Lakers in the playo ffs.爆
[分享] 俄軍士兵闖進酒品店喝醉被逮推特(有影片) Something very strange. A Russian soldier appears to have broken into a liquor store and gotten drunk. He was then captured. 一名俄軍士兵闖進酒品店,然後喝醉。爆
[外絮] 記者:聯盟中經驗豐富的人都表示湖人隊記者:聯盟中經驗豐富的人都表示湖人隊應該交易LBJ跟AD When the Los Angeles Lakers got LeBron James, they were expected to become a pro per threat in the Western Conference and perennial contenders for the NBA title. This didn't quite materialize in his first season with the team but a push to b ring Anthony Davis in to be his partner changed everything and the duo won the c爆
[情報] 鉛筆IG:不敢相信這是我的生活Can’t believe this is my life 來源:爆
[外絮] 不止一位湖人球員於中場休息時在Vogel面不止一位湖人球員於中場休息時在Vogel面前滑手機回訊息 On this night as the game was in progress, a friend working for another NBA team texted a Laker about getting together afterward. At halftime, something strange happened. The player texted back. The friend was even more stunned when he was told that coach Frank Vogel was standing in front of him.26
[問卦] 迪卡儂這樣不怕遊民睡進去?阿肥我辣 剛剛去逛迪卡儂 發現啊 帳篷就架在前面空地11
Re: [新聞] 紐時:美國考慮將承諾提供給台灣的F-狗報不意外 原文在這裡 It is a delicate balance. On Saturday, while Mr. Biden was in Wilmington, Del. , his National Security Council staff spent much of the day trying to find a w6
Re: [新聞] 美國為烏克蘭謀求蘇聯戰機 波蘭冷回:不介結果案情翻轉了 今天波蘭要把俄式戰機給美國 請美國代為轉交給烏克蘭 結果遭美國冷回:不介入.... Pentagon says Polish proposal to transfer jets to US to give to Ukraine isn't8
[閒聊] Solasta: Crown of the Magister - Lost遊戲荒 小品DLC怎麼沒人討論 正傳其實還不錯啊 還有中文 很有誠意了 麻雀雖小五臟俱全
Re: [討論] 所以林智堅論文有抄襲嗎?爆
[討論] 小草要的金流出來囉38
[討論] 律師會勸阿北認罪嗎?23
[轉錄]陳智菡Vicky FB還要沒當過議員的教可憐哪20
Re: [新聞] 簡舒培指「裁定書寫出柯文哲收賄」43
[討論] 小草邏輯怎麼又跳回「只是政治獻金」了32
[討論] 阿北沒收賄的話橘子幹嘛不回來?34
[討論] 為什麼八卦一直洗台灣會很慘22
[討論] 哇操民眾黨即將創造第一個中國人立委23
[討論] 民眾党又造謠了23
[討論] 簡書培:有違法的話 民眾黨去告蔣萬安23
[討論] 川普當選沒幾個小時,胡塞武裝投降了!?19
[討論] 小草:柯文哲會成為台灣川普17
Re: [討論] 謝震武:謠言根本不會有偵查不公開的問題65
[討論] 快訊/政院、朝野黨團達共識!禁伐補償39
[黑特] 小草一定要親眼看到現金就對了14
[討論] 簡舒培上節目打臉陳智菡14
[討論] 說真的,我柯黑還是難想像阿北收錢16
[討論] 謝龍介 你造謠黑面琵鷺做什麼?22
[討論] 小草的辯護法一直退讓耶...16
[討論] 黃國昌為什麼要培養中國人當立委?15
[討論] 北檢寫聲請扣押理由 會自稱本院嗎?33
[討論] 立法院行政局9
[轉錄] 吳怡萱FB 簡舒培今晚又再硬拗9
[討論] 許淑華可以,林智堅不行?7
[討論] 所以林智堅論文有抄襲嗎?10
[討論] 所以抽獎貪汙案 就這樣過了喔??28
[討論] 震傳媒民調:過半反對柯文哲再戰20285
[討論] 不會吧真的要往政治獻金收賄走?4
[討論] 林楚茵:雙11購物節是灰色作戰