Re: [情報] 烏克蘭連續第三天大規模攻擊俄羅斯
Once again, CiC Oleksandr Syrskyi is micromanaging units, while attempting to use it as a PR opportunity. Unfortunately, his presence often redirects senior brigade leadership from combat operations to focus on organizational matters to accommodate Syrskyi.
I've been told by several senior officers, who work on the ground that he tendsto micromanage battalions, even when he served as the head of the Khortytsia operational-strategic group. A good leader establishes a proper system and appoints competent managers/officers to handle tasks. However, a poor leader descends from the strategic to tactical level to personally address local issues, caused by a broken system.
Not long ago, Andriy Yusov stated that GUR provided detailed information about the upcoming attack in Kharkiv, yet we witnessed obvious problems. The Commander-in-Chief is responsible for strategic planning and organization of the defense of the entire frontline, rather than micromanaging battalions due to failures atthe top level.
俄羅斯的黑海艦隊只見黑海沒有艦隊 空天軍只見天空不見空軍
烏克蘭的砲兵部隊只有火砲沒有砲彈 愛國的人只愛國但不參軍
俄烏見立場 巴以辨人畜
[爆卦] 五角大廈:95%的普京軍隊仍完好無損The Pentagon has been providing daily updates on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Ukraine's efforts to resist. 五角大廈每天都在提供有關俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭以及烏克蘭大力抵抗的最新消息 Here are highlights of what a senior U.S. defense official told reporters on爆
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