Re: [情報] 華郵:美軍研判烏軍恐難以達成反攻目標
: 推 shrink5566 : 年底的F16可以解決這件事嗎 08/19 00:12
因為烏克蘭空軍 還在學英文(20人) 原本就能說英語的 還湊不齊一中隊(8人)
年底是否能解決這件事情 得取決於烏克蘭飛行員 多快能學好英文
雖然 紐時直接說今年不可能 但要知道 歐美很喜歡聖誕送大禮的
關於F16重點摘要 完整新聞見後
Why hasn’t Ukraine received F-16s?
For months, President Volodymyr Zelensky and other senior Ukrainian officialshad been calling for the United States and other countries to provide Kyiv
with F-16s. But the Biden administration, which must approve any transfers ofthe American-made planes, had resisted.
After a push by Britain and the Netherlands, President Biden said in May thathe would allow Ukrainian pilots to be trained on the jets, a sharp reversal
that moved toward letting other countries give the planes to Ukraine.
However, American officials have said that Ukraine has identified only eight
combat pilots — less than a single squadron — who speak English well enough
to start a period of training expected to last at least a year. About 20
others are being sent to Britain this month to learn English.
“Ukrainian pilots will return from the training, and the planes will come
back with them,” Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, said on
Thursday. “Maybe they won’t arrive right in the cockpits, but it will be a
synchronized process,” he said.
Ukraine Says Kyiv Won’t Receive F-16 Fighter Jets This Year
烏克蘭空軍發言人說 烏克蘭今年內不會得到F16
A spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force said the advanced planes wouldn’t
arrive by winter, meaning they won’t play a role in the latest
counteroffensive push.
引述烏克蘭空軍發言人的說法 今年冬天前 F16 不會到達
意味者 F16 將不會在春季大反攻中起到作用
Ukraine will not receive F-16 fighter jets from its allies this year as
hoped, a spokesman for the country’s Air Force said late Wednesday,
confirming that, as expected, the advanced planes won’t play a role in the
current counteroffensive.
大意同上段 重複一遍
“It is already obvious that we will not be able to protect Ukraine with F-16
fighters this autumn and winter,” Yuriy Ihnat, the spokesman, told Ukrainian
television. “We had high hopes for this aircraft,” he added.
顯而易見 F16不會在今秋或東到達烏克蘭
"我們對F16有很高的期待 "
Here’s what to know about Ukraine’s longstanding requests for F-16s.
下面就是廢話 無聊的可以自己慢慢看
What is the F-16?
First flown in 1976, the F-16 “Fighting Falcon” is a supersonic fighter jet
used by militaries in 25 countries for air-to-air combat and air-to-ground
strikes. It is built by the American defense contractor Lockheed Martin and
manufacturers in Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway.
The jet is widely considered to be versatile, lightweight and cost-effective
— with a price tag of up to $63 million, depending on the model, according
to some estimates. There are approximately 3,000 in active military service
worldwide, including hundreds in the U.S. Air Force and Navy.
Why does Ukraine want the jets?
Ukraine has Soviet-era MIG and Sukhoi fighter jets, but has argued that F-16scould enable it to achieve air superiority, something neither side has
decisively attained since Russia launched its full-scale invasion in February2022.
Ukraine has said F-16s could beef up its air defenses, as frequent barrages
of Russian missiles exhaust Kyiv’s ground-launched systems. They would also
enable Kyiv’s forces to more effectively combat Russian attack helicopters
targeting Ukrainian tanks and armored vehicles. Without the jets, it is also
much harder for Ukraine to put in effect the combat tactics of NATO countrieswhose forces have been training the country’s military.
Why hasn’t Ukraine received F-16s?
For months, President Volodymyr Zelensky and other senior Ukrainian officialshad been calling for the United States and other countries to provide Kyiv
with F-16s. But the Biden administration, which must approve any transfers ofthe American-made planes, had resisted.
After a push by Britain and the Netherlands, President Biden said in May thathe would allow Ukrainian pilots to be trained on the jets, a sharp reversal
that moved toward letting other countries give the planes to Ukraine.
However, American officials have said that Ukraine has identified only eight
combat pilots — less than a single squadron — who speak English well enough
to start a period of training expected to last at least a year. About 20
others are being sent to Britain this month to learn English.
“Ukrainian pilots will return from the training, and the planes will come
back with them,” Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, said on
Thursday. “Maybe they won’t arrive right in the cockpits, but it will be a
synchronized process,” he said.
Can Ukraine’s counteroffensive be successful without the jets?
The counteroffensive Ukraine launched in June has yet to achieve a decisive
breakthrough in the face of well-entrenched Russian defenses. And Ukrainian
pilots will not be trained on the advanced aircraft in time to assist and
protect the ground forces waging the campaign.
But officials in Ukraine, the United States and Europe, as well as Western
defense analysts, have said in interviews that they believe Kyiv’s campaign
could still prevail without the jets — though it is likely to be much more
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址)不可用YAHOO、LINE、MSN等轉載媒體:
是長得壞壞的男人, ▕A6▏
不是喜歡長壞了的男人。  ̄ ̄
首Po前面推文有人已經提到了,我是想獨立出來發文所以沒貼在情報彙整裡面 == 華郵報導25
如果是指今年內,那的確夠嗆,可能性不大, 但如果長期來說,收復肯定是沒問題的. : 據報導,此前美軍、英軍和烏軍共同研議的兵推就已預測到俄軍會頑強抵抗 : 但是兵推時曾認為烏軍會忍受高昂傷亡而強硬猛攻俄軍防線以達成突破 :10
個人認為這整篇報導的邏輯根本就是黑人問號莫名其妙,超級誇大今年烏軍的可能進度, 然後說這樣進度還是沒達標 XD 原文是說烏軍今年最多只能打到距離梅利托波爾幾英里前,要不要先看梅利托波爾距離目 前激戰中的羅博季涅有多遠?我們抓6英里(約10公里)好了,差不多是梅利托波爾到捷爾11
看到不少板友認為關於巴赫姆特戰役決策的不滿是不合理的 我也不想說是否合理,畢竟這是不同觀點的衡量 但是要理解為何會有相關的批評, 要知道Rob Lee、Michael Kofman、Konrad Muzyka...等專家去烏克蘭調查後的心得 根據他們的podcast和文章
[情報] 澤倫斯基:缺乏能解救馬里烏波爾的裝備Zelensky: Impossible to save Mariupol without additional tanks, planes. “Ukraine cannot shoot down Russian missiles with shotguns and machine guns, ” the president said during his latest address. He added that Ukraine is waiting too long for the required weapons.38
Re: [新聞] 布林肯證實 美持續與波蘭協商、向烏克Statement of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland in connection with the statement by the US Secretary of State on providing airplanes to Ukraine The authorities of the Republic of Poland, after consultations between the President and the Goverment, are ready to deploy – immediately and free of27
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[情報] 烏俄戰爭-ISW戰報(20250324)