[情報] 06/01 the daily horoscope

看板Gemini標題[情報] 06/01 the daily horoscope 作者
時間推噓30 推:30 噓:0 →:1

Many Gemini people have been especially active recently, either overly busy at work or maybe even burning the candle at both ends. But those in your inner circle are missing you and wondering where you went. There may be a likelihoodnow that you are less organized too, and you could easily let important obligations slip through the cracks. Be careful about that and take time today to review your priorities. This is a day to slow down, take stock, and make a listof your plans for the rest of today and the days ahead.








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Vania05/31 10:37N大生日快樂~~

yung776705/31 10:47生日快樂!

icnfml05/31 10:52生日快樂!!!!

crazyfu05/31 10:53生日快樂

maykin122005/31 10:57N大生日快樂!我也是531

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AnitaWW05/31 11:22生日快樂!!!希望你心想事成,健健康康。

darkborder05/31 11:37N大生日快樂!

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kowei52605/31 18:17N/t大生日快樂

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boo06124194105/31 22:49生日快樂~~

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ziziday05/31 23:55今天也我生日,祝我們生日快樂~

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