Re: [問卦] 廢死:人不用為犯罪付100%的責任
“You have to have empathy for the victims of the criminals. And if you just
have empathy for the criminals, it's actually shallow empathy. You got to
say, if you don't incarcerate this person, who are they going to hurt?”
單眼皮: 目睭單絢(tuann-sun5)。 雙眼皮: 目睭重絢(ting5-sun5)。
1931 年 熊谷良正 《臺灣語之研究》single/double eyelid
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首Po剛看到廢死臉書剛上傳最新的影片, 簡單講的論點就是, 「人不可能100%的決定自己的行爲, 所以也就不可能要爲自己的行爲付100%的責任,5
主張廢死的人 邏輯就很有問題 A今天會殺人 動手的人只要是A 就是A決定的啊不然呢?2
其實廢死這樣的說法滿符合民主價值的 現在最挺廢死的也是最有民主價值的dpp 不用100%對政策負責 不用100%對人民負責 不用100%對台灣負責1
影片懶得再看。 其實廢死的邏輯就是「宿命論」而已。宿命論早在古印度就被講爛了,只有愚痴廢死之流 會把宿命論當寶。 按照廢死宿命論的思想,一個人會不會犯罪,其實在確定他的基因、出身、生長環境... 等條件就已經決定了。「意志」只是一個 function,該 function 的輸入是基因、出身
[花邊] 狗貝談嘴綠:一個內心不健康的人正在受苦Rudy Gobert on Draymond Green: “I have empathy for him. You see somebody that ’s not well inside and suffering. You take away the game and all that, and yo u want somebody to be well and be able to do what we do every night and compet e and be happy.”4
[情報] 10/06/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou are the one who calls to check on a friend when they are down or an ill neighbor to see if they need anything. You are the one who can sense when someone is suffering silently. Your empathy means that you can tune in to those who need you and respond with compassion and loving care. But you don't always treat yourself with equal care and attention, dear3
[情報] 25/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou are someone who is quite empathic, Moonchild. Even when someone has done you wrong, you can sense their pain, and you wonder about what might have led them to do that. If you are facing circumstances now where someone has disappointed you and let you down, you may want to walk away from the situation you are both involved in, but you know that would cause3
[情報] 01/29 the daily horoscopeYour empathy for someone else's difficult plight might be buried under that pe rson's arrogance or bad attitude. You are ordinarily quite compassionate, Gemi ni, but when someone is tough to deal with, it may not bring out your most emp athic side. However, if you choose to assume that this person may be dealing w ith someone you don't know about or understand, then it will be easier to show2
[情報] 07/04/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may not have fairy dust at your disposal or the ability to grant wishes at the swoosh of a magic wand, but you do have the power today to help someone significantly. A friend or a loved one may need your warm and uplifting spirit to soothe and inspire them, and that is certainly something you are more than capable of, dear Moonchild. Your empathy and1
[情報] 08/07/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 7月 8 You are well known for your empathy, Moonchild. You can pick up the emotions o ther people are feeling, even if you don't know them well. And when you do, yo u feel those emotions too. It is both a blessing and a curse. But now someone may not understand how deeply empathic you are, and they may think you don't u1
[情報] 13/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期一 9月 13 You are good at figuring out emotional puzzles, Moonchild. Your own emotions a re right there on the surface most of the time, even when you deny them. Your empathy allows you to pick up what others are feeling, sometimes to the point where you can relate to and even experience these emotions yourself. But you m1
[情報] 11/07 the daily horoscopeYou may be in the process of making a decision that you see as more than just financial. Yet you may be experiencing a conflict because someone else believe s it should be purely financial. You would prefer to blend in empathy and comp assion before coming to a decision, dear Gemini. Maybe you are being criticize d for that. The most honorable decisions are often subject to criticism, but i1
[情報] 10/09 the daily horoscopeYou certainly have the gift of empathy, dear Gemini, but you do sometimes shy away from it when you sense that someone is hurting. It is not because you don 't want to help. More likely, it is because it makes you uncomfortable, mostly because you don't know how to help. However, someone in your world might be h urting now, and you can sense it. By drawing toward this person rather than di- 善良是免費的,尊重、同理心、同情和鼓勵也是。 現在你可能有很多生氣某人的好理由,但是月之子,其實你沒有必要這樣做。 你可以更深入地了解這個人的困境並對他們表示同情。 你可以表現得善良、尊重他人。 如果你能同情他們的處境,那麼你甚至可以鼓勵他們做得更好。
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