[討論] 荷蘭 9/17 取消 Covid-19 入境措施

看板HatePolitics標題[討論] 荷蘭 9/17 取消 Covid-19 入境措施作者
時間推噓 5 推:7 噓:2 →:12


Travelling to the Netherlands from abroad
The Dutch government has decided to lift the EU entry ban for the Netherlandsas of 17 September 2022. Given the current epidemiological situation in the
Netherlands, the government feels that for entry to the Netherlands the EU
entry ban is no longer proportional. The European Commission is also planningto publish a proposal for revising the rules for entering the European Union
(EU) in autumn 2022.

The government's decision means that as of 17 September 2022, no COVID-19
related restrictions or requirements apply to travellers entering the
Netherlands, including those from countries outside the EU/Schengen area.

荷蘭政府決定 9/17 打開國門,歡迎旅客來玩.不用啥疫苗,3+4 的積八毛規定.



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a092138722309/18 10:52中國呆灣

zixiang09/18 10:53早知如此 何必當初

samkiller20009/18 10:54反顧白癡糞島中國台灣還在隔離和戴口罩 可悲

evan00000009/18 10:54反觀

lc8530109/18 10:55反觀

jsbach81309/18 10:57世界不是只有荷蘭 (氣氣氣

conanhide09/18 10:59台灣解封得話柯文哲等下又說是選舉操控了

管他鬼叫幹嘛? 他叫的事情可多了,政府有鳥過?

※ 編輯: pickchu22001 ( 臺灣), 09/18/2022 11:00:28

gogobar09/18 11:01荷蘭死了這麼多人,也是吊打大陸了

chunglee09/18 11:07反觀

evan00000009/18 11:09所以怕他講就不開喔==

jsbach81309/18 11:10柯講的話可多 DPP每個都要理他嗎

jsbach81309/18 11:12阿側翼不是很強 黨推什麼什麼都能扛 遇到邊境就推拖拉

jsbach81309/18 11:12鎖縮

samkiller20009/18 11:24側翼綠狗自己也想出國玩但党不給 只好通通變啞巴

liocorno09/18 11:29祖國..

tpck09/18 11:32防疫資優生去學那些防疫落後的國家幹嘛

jsbach81309/18 11:33防疫資優能當飯吃膩 能當飯吃的話還要搞三小國旅補助

sheep99109/18 11:48為了吹捧中國式防疫 台灣鎖國強制隔離 剝奪人民自由 民

sheep99109/18 11:48進党CDC真的很棒

DIDIMIN09/18 12:32這年頭反對開放根本自尋死路

resonation09/18 18:25我住法國,歐洲早就不看疫苗、pcr,全面自由進出