[問卦] 更大的民主該怎麼翻譯成英文?

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Calcifer 12/21 11:08党終於找到戒嚴ㄉ代名詞ㄌ

bobocatcat 12/21 11:08More money

snocia 12/21 11:09一黨獨裁民主

fony1029 12/21 11:09就戒嚴啊

snocia 12/21 11:09範例:蔣家政權

shelume 12/21 11:09朕的民主就是更大的民主

ppbro 12/21 11:09更大的民主 民進黨作主

tim910282 12/21 11:09獨裁

SidMax 12/21 11:09跟女權一樣 左膠雙標牟利的口號

aggressorX 12/21 11:09president lie

leocean9816 12/21 11:09大香蕉

OAKLEY 12/21 11:10可以往強力的手段這方向來解釋

T8 12/21 11:10Bigger demo.

rLks02 12/21 11:10大大大

SidMax 12/21 11:10我不要你覺得 我要我覺得的民主

Forcast 12/21 11:11更大的民主熱

blessbless 12/21 11:11team 戒嚴

jma306 12/21 11:11 民主攝護腺肥大

zxc17893 12/21 11:11DDP is right

geeg 12/21 11:11黨是超越60%民意與40%民意的偉大存在。

ramirez 12/21 11:11Bigger DPP

yangweiisi 12/21 11:12DPP eat shit

marktak 12/21 11:12a far big demo

orz151426 12/21 11:12「老子說了算」

syntax123 12/21 11:12

warmyo 12/21 11:12一任四年 好自為之 堂堂正正不要傲慢

kuosambition 12/21 11:12demo crazy

flavorBZ 12/21 11:13比格

SDuncan 12/21 11:13DPP’s fucking democracy

flgg30211 12/21 11:13DPP

Killercat 12/21 11:13你聽錯了 他說的是更大的民主進步黨

Leeheaven 12/21 11:131984裡面的老大哥

mcucte 12/21 11:14共產黨也講民主,大概是那樣

pttenjk 12/21 11:14TaiwanGoblins are most greedy animals

SDuncan 12/21 11:14清德宗想嚴嚴了,大民主憨鳥要來了

chu 12/21 11:15TEAM戒嚴

p3295153 12/21 11:15Make DPP great again

lanslod 12/21 11:16Big Shit DPP

myanigi 12/21 11:16All animals are equal, but some animal

fatjanice 12/21 11:16Jay en

myanigi 12/21 11:16s are more equal than others

gopath 12/21 11:17team 戒嚴

Jerry6012 12/21 11:19戒嚴family

odaaaaa 12/21 11:19Martial Law

jjbye 12/21 11:20更大的民主:USA美利堅合眾國

jjbye 12/21 11:20

jjbye 12/21 11:20藍白小心民主外送,美國目前在憋大招

pink75310 12/21 11:21Dpp is best and shit

jjbye 12/21 11:21美國阿爸投資多少心血在台灣

tidworker 12/21 11:21DPP KINGDOM

jjbye 12/21 11:21你覺得會平白無故送給中國?

hylio7754 12/21 11:21更大的民進黨

suzer 12/21 11:22bigger dpp dick

wccw010034 12/21 11:23LOSER-LIE皮狗

PeaceBoy 12/21 11:26Dpp no1

takeda3234 12/21 11:26學毛澤東創綠衛兵吧

eeccms 12/21 11:27

spring53287 12/21 11:28更大的暴動

HAHAHUNG 12/21 11:31Democracy hypertrophy

keirto 12/21 11:31martial law?

VAIO911 12/21 11:32Gun Fraud

blitz1991 12/21 11:35就ddp啊

lesnaree2 12/21 11:35DPP team 錫悅

Baihao0501 12/21 11:36民進黨做主

glenex 12/21 11:37武力軍閥,大概是這樣

gameboy666 12/21 11:38big dpp

StarTouching 12/21 11:38More DPP

triangle10 12/21 11:39dictatorship

andymi 12/21 11:41blue and white useless

vzdce 12/21 11:42其實他們想的就是martial law

auxiliary11 12/21 11:44有打高端疫苗才有資格當!!台派!!

VirgilAeneid 12/21 11:44Pig’s democracy.

VirgilAeneid 12/21 11:44All the citizens are democratic,

ccjj8 12/21 11:44Team Martial Law

VirgilAeneid 12/21 11:44 but some are more democratic

VirgilAeneid 12/21 11:44 than others.

Retangle 12/21 11:46動物農莊:

holybless 12/21 11:53摸媽尼康印

sunluna 12/21 11:54當然拳頭更大的民主 不然是老二更大嗎?

yc410 12/21 12:00make dpp great again

how123480 12/21 12:04希特勒啊

jerry761031 12/21 12:11Bullshit

factotum 12/21 12:12我的很大

atari77 12/21 12:13寫成大民主 讀做大皇帝

LightWorker 12/21 12:16dpp team martial

awdv7536 12/21 12:24big lie

phenomenal 12/21 12:25更大的民主,就是民進黨做主

wulaw5566 12/21 12:39戒嚴

leterg 12/21 12:46Absolute Power is democracy

sten5453 12/21 12:52推一樓

binco 12/21 13:02DPP

retrud 12/21 13:14朝鮮民主主義人民共和

daye2012 12/21 13:16Dick,Much deeper ,deeper

erichang 12/21 13:19更大的民進党作主

arrnor 12/21 13:27blue birds

chicktap 12/21 14:10DPP forever!

pat740515 12/21 14:16DPPful Democracy

super10000 12/21 14:18Managed Democracy!!!

hodj 12/21 14:48Give me money

darkMood 12/21 15:06只有垃圾民進黨才是民主。