[問卦] 「不然要怎樣」的英文怎摸說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「不然要怎樣」的英文怎摸說?作者
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milkBK 11/19 16:00So what

i376ers 11/19 16:00DUCK

ro1 11/19 16:00then?

kianwei 11/19 16:00ikea

spath 11/19 16:00or what?

edison 11/19 16:00you tell me

kuromai 11/19 16:00whazzzzzzzzzz up?

anoreader 11/19 16:01taiwan no.1

zukidelko 11/19 16:01Dpp is the best

nerevian 11/19 16:01duck clock

boulard 11/19 16:01costco

alloc 11/19 16:01Whosyourdaddy

derrick1220 11/19 16:01Vagina

alwang 11/19 16:01Suck my dick

AustinRivers 11/19 16:01Britney Yao 怎樣

tamama000 11/19 16:01anal

kianwei 11/19 16:01showmethemoney 9999999

Ding1990 11/19 16:01Clock Chen

whiteadam 11/19 16:02dpp sucks

luciffar 11/19 16:02Crossroads

llgod 11/19 16:02

jfriendtw 11/19 16:03englishit eatting shit

littlejackbr 11/19 16:03then?

cidcheng 11/19 16:03Who cares

exceedMyself 11/19 16:04clock chen

archon 11/19 16:04any better idea?

michaelwu 11/19 16:04amoshibeannzua

POWERSERIES 11/19 16:04Catch Me Outside How Bout Dat

wolve 11/19 16:04what? so what?

allmwh 11/19 16:05dpper

m13211 11/19 16:05duck bubby

kuanhunter 11/19 16:05No way but fuxk?

taxisy 11/19 16:05Mome Anna?

pgtl 11/19 16:06morning spec and drop

LimpidT 11/19 16:06more may android

system303179 11/19 16:06No then want what

Kyo824 11/19 16:06Duck bubi

HelloFumi 11/19 16:06So?

http481 11/19 16:07duckbubi

rockiey 11/19 16:07So?

zold 11/19 16:08IKEA

garcia 11/19 16:08Hail DPP

weilin4180 11/19 16:08Bu lan yau gen young?

ayrtonvitas 11/19 16:08Suck this

minlochen 11/19 16:08Bit me

dennis331533 11/19 16:08mo lee see mae ann juwa?

ayaneru 11/19 16:08what do you want Britney

garden 11/19 16:09What you gonna do?

ms0286415 11/19 16:09hey hey u, ya u !

kohanchen 11/19 16:09You got better ideas?

amare1015 11/19 16:09謀哩喜咩安抓 咩送來灣拉 蛤 蛤阿小

joywo 11/19 16:09hey~~how u doing ?

ThisisLongID 11/19 16:09not healthy

hcc570910 11/19 16:10Clock: So Duck?

kcclasaki 11/19 16:10So?

koudar 11/19 16:10may show gun more

Padfoneman 11/19 16:10mo li si me a na

aether982 11/19 16:11Or what !?

rlhl7799 11/19 16:11What do you want to do

dundus 11/19 16:11lose win?

aftermathx 11/19 16:14Molly Sevilla Andrew

HsiangFly 11/19 16:15花修唉督

ian40 11/19 16:15What u gonna do about it

memories66 11/19 16:15duck bubi

isly831130 11/19 16:15duck boobi talu TaReban

acemoglu 11/19 16:16Molly should be andra

dougho 11/19 16:16take yo damn shoes off

easonli000 11/19 16:16bite me

stvn2567 11/19 16:17Who care

Starstarboy 11/19 16:17Britney what to do

capazek 11/19 16:17who car

Strasburg 11/19 16:17我要看影片把這句手語學起來

MacBookAir12 11/19 16:18What Else?

ilovemiao 11/19 16:18啊無你是欲按怎

dboy1980 11/19 16:19who car

Forcast 11/19 16:19wtf

gbcg9725 11/19 16:20may android

lovepolaris 11/19 16:20What the fXXX

denix 11/19 16:20may show gun more

asd1122888 11/19 16:20b鸞r嫕y跢zěn y跣g

etrangere 11/19 16:21Or what?

etrangere 11/19 16:21Kiss my Ass

vikingman 11/19 16:22whatever

isaiah0110 11/19 16:22moly shibe ennua

steven56138 11/19 16:22otherwise, what else?

max995511 11/19 16:23suck my dick

bttdnr 11/19 16:2363樓正解。What u gonna do about it. 或W

bttdnr 11/19 16:24hat u gonna do.

vvrr 11/19 16:24mome andra

weijinsusu 11/19 16:24wo jio lan

lolpklol0975 11/19 16:25大可不必

floz 11/19 16:25Aren't you thankful?

fangio 11/19 16:27I am clock.

aggressorX 11/19 16:28who cars

pchion2002 11/19 16:29what do you want?

lh02219 11/19 16:30Amosivirandrea

cymtrex 11/19 16:31So-le-de?

Leoreo 11/19 16:31Morning she may android

joesong 11/19 16:31I am the law.

smallwenwen 11/19 16:33what are you going to do about t?

chisheng74 11/19 16:34wo du ser la wo fu zer

oyaji5566 11/19 16:35duck duck

FeSic 11/19 16:36Duck Boo Be

ms0545173 11/19 16:36Kiss my ass

kkevinhess1t 11/19 16:38No duck

omage 11/19 16:39mori may anna

cockman 11/19 16:39fuck me or fuck off

ptt80357 11/19 16:39I don’t give a shxt

Daniel0712 11/19 16:39そうじゃないと 他の文句があるの?

kiopl 11/19 16:41Bite me Ahhhhhhhhhh

ju06080719 11/19 16:434 agree

camp0102 11/19 16:45Whatever

poringking 11/19 16:45no blue want how

NYYAllen 11/19 16:45So what

hcc570910 11/19 16:46You Clock-Sucker

KeynesGG 11/19 16:50Hail DPP

lucky78 11/19 16:51Mo Bay An Na

ufo15526368 11/19 16:54英文縮寫:DPP

oxooao 11/19 16:54love taiwan

pennylins 11/19 16:57then??

tim32142000 11/19 16:57DPP is good

c6b7yntz 11/19 16:58clock chen

NewhTCone 11/19 17:01howdoyoutuenthison?

alex00089 11/19 17:03So what?

kevin870325 11/19 17:03fuck yourself

alex00089 11/19 17:04just tell me 為什麼,眼神有話要說

bah 11/19 17:10╮(╯_╰)╭

Kuru991 11/19 17:11so?

agow 11/19 17:12Garbage dpp

daruma 11/19 17:18How do you turn this on

jesiuty 11/19 17:20我負責

shadowdio 11/19 17:21water in the fire why

henry55566 11/19 17:23Ko CF

pivotalHarry 11/19 17:25duckboooobee

GGinler 11/19 17:36what u gonna do?

s6h0a5n1e2 11/19 17:38Mo Lee May An Zhua La

ninggo 11/19 17:43now what

tanchuchan 11/19 17:44so what?

blackstyles 11/19 17:45Let's agree to disagree 辣

WarIII 11/19 17:47說話

ginopun10477 11/19 17:49fu*k yall n*gga

JohnnyH 11/19 17:50more may Anna?

mosw 11/19 17:56How fun

turbomons 11/19 17:57Fuck me !

tn601374 11/19 17:58coka sprite

riceberg 11/19 18:05NO THEN WANT WHAT?

wetway24 11/19 18:07More May Andrew

Bosung 11/19 18:10What do you want from me?

jfriendtw 11/19 18:101.5 garbage doctor degree

todo0222 11/19 18:11who car

x0003 11/19 18:15Hail DPP

zsp8084 11/19 18:17pekora peko

dashing1031 11/19 18:18I am Clock Chen

ohnotme 11/19 18:21bite me

yehpi 11/19 18:29DDT’s

yehpi 11/19 18:30I love dpp

window77 11/19 18:33TMD

GGFACE 11/19 18:35Buranyaozenyoung??

newstyle 11/19 18:39I am DPPer

mission985 11/19 18:42XDDD

Cervelo1995 11/19 18:45A mor lay~

Doombringer 11/19 18:54這高中英文老師教過!

Doombringer 11/19 18:54What`s your fucking problem!?

gn7529 11/19 18:55crossroads

Doombringer 11/19 18:55有沒有上過這堂課的同學要來認親的XD

troubledanny 11/19 19:36duck bu be

ciafbi007 11/19 19:39do car

super10000 11/19 19:40What else do you want?

pica177253 11/19 19:41布蘭妮:...

gLid3 11/19 19:44What do you wan, cunt? (澳式)

z900215ro 11/19 19:47fu*k you

J7viHH 11/19 20:06you get some?

jily 11/19 20:07how do u turn this on? XD

bomnker 11/19 20:11Shot the fog up

Maniacs 11/19 20:44More bet Anna?

vincecarterx 11/19 20:47english xi is our god

robert983210 11/19 21:03What do you want from me?

lianlai 11/19 21:31So? Then?

crywolfer 11/19 21:31What else are you expecting to hap

crywolfer 11/19 21:32pen

chalon 11/19 21:32mo li ve anna?

jackshadow 11/19 22:18otherwise ?(語氣上揚

cain123 11/19 22:53so what do you want

PeikangShin 11/19 23:41Duck bubi

miel 11/20 00:42樓上Doom大老師優秀

zzzzzzzzzzzy 11/20 00:51fuck yourself

mikiworldpea 11/20 01:55Britney Spears

russellluo 11/20 03:07duh

mario2000 11/20 11:02I'll take you with 6547 in afternoon

drin 11/20 13:51what do you want from me?