[問卦] 「在哪叫什麼」怎麼翻成英文

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「在哪叫什麼」怎麼翻成英文作者
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link4517 04/24 12:11wa wa wa wa

fraternity 04/24 12:11中文先打對 是 那 不是 哪

dean1990 04/24 12:11Shut your fucking mouth up.

e1q3z9c7 04/24 12:11where call what

fraternity 04/24 12:12Where to bark

brendantang 04/24 12:12We are dpp

goldman0204 04/24 12:12我都念COSTO 她就明白了

Yude0109 04/24 12:12shut the fuck up

Neisseria 04/24 12:12DPP forever

chris287 04/24 12:13Shut the fuck up

tyop4477 04/24 12:13

hoos891405 04/24 12:13What are you fucking barking for?

black510113 04/24 12:13What are you yelling?

sreg0202 04/24 12:13Gai San Siao

circlelee 04/24 12:15fuck off

garybawbaw 04/24 12:15Call the police

ThotRejecter 04/24 12:17tf you bitching about

pttenjk 04/24 12:18only green can bark

peterch 04/24 12:24有人問過了啦 沒創意!

hw1 04/24 12:25you don't have Taiwan value

dylancdylanc 04/24 12:38bark three small???

cactusho 04/24 12:44what the bark

s7968 04/24 12:49Who let the dogs out

twhuang28 04/24 12:50wa si su kwan tao

roso4258 04/24 13:14

lavign 04/24 15:45whose dog is barking

fatfinger2 04/24 16:25naniwoshyaberuno

johnrunroad 04/25 03:48Stop bitching around