Re: [新聞] 美與北約準備丟包烏克蘭? 北約暗勸「妥

看板Military標題Re: [新聞] 美與北約準備丟包烏克蘭? 北約暗勸「妥作者
時間推噓20 推:21 噓:1 →:22

※ 引述《hesenberg (2030美食家 )》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《fw190a (las)》之銘言:

實際談話內容出至北約秘書長Jens Stoltenberg和芬蘭總統Sauli Niinnisto

JENS STOLTENBERG: So first to the question of whether peace is possible. Yes,peace is possible.The question is what kind of peace? Because if Ukraine
withdraw its forces and stop fighting, then Ukraine will cease to exist as anindependent, sovereign nation in Europe. If President Putin stops fighting,
then we’ll have peace.

是,我們說的是哪一種和平?如果烏克蘭撤回他們的部隊, 並且停止戰鬥,(那我們就

So the dilemma is, of course, that peace is always possible. Surrender can
provide peace. But as we have seen, the Ukrainians, they don’t accept peace
at any price. They are actually willing to pay a very high price for their
independence. And again, Finland is a country that really knows the price forpeace and also the price for independence and being a sovereign nation.


And it’s not for me to judge how high price the Ukrainians should be willing
to pay. I mean, we pay a price because we provide support, we see the economiceffects of the economic sanctions. But there is no doubt, as you said Sauli,
that the highest price is paid by Ukrainians every day. And therefore it’s forthem to judge, not for me, what is the price they are willing to pay, for peaceand for independence?



is that as President Zelensky has stated many times, this war will end at thenegotiating table. The question is what kind of position will the Ukrainians
have when they negotiate a solution? Our responsibility is to make that
position as strong as possible. We know that there is a very close link between what you can achieve at the negotiating table and your position at the
battlefield. So our military support to them is a way to strengthen their handat the negotiating table when they, hopefully soon, will sit there and
negotiate the peace agreement.

史托騰伯格:就像烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基多次強調得,這場戰爭將在談判桌上結束。問題是烏克蘭人在談判桌協商時會處於什麼樣的立場? 北約的責任是讓烏克蘭人能盡量站在優勢的立場上協商。戰場情況和烏克蘭能在談判桌能達成的成果有非常緊密的連結,因此北約的軍事援助將能帶給烏克蘭人在談判桌上關鍵的幫助。希望我們能盡快坐下開始協商和平協議。

So that was ‘peace is possible’ – that’s not the question anyway, the
question is: what price are you willing to pay for peace? How much territory?How much independence? How much sovereignty? How much freedom? How much
democracy are you willing to sacrifice for peace? And that’s a very difficultmoral dilemma. And it’s for those who are paying the highest price to make
that judgement. Our responsibility is to support them.




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※ 編輯: maplefff ( 臺灣), 06/14/2022 22:41:12

mark0204 06/14 22:41還是看不出來哪裡有"北約暗勸「妥協」"的意思...

andyken 06/14 22:42某些人覺得北約沒有說的很硬就是容易想到那方面去

m9219534 06/14 22:44看來是親中媒體又開始亂帶風向

wen17 06/14 22:45基本上你用英文念一次比較有感覺吧....

wen17 06/14 22:46當然你可以指責北約又在講場面話了

wen17 06/14 22:46但這話就沒有辦法直接解讀出丟包啊

wen17 06/14 22:46還是有外交/國關專業的來解讀一下特定的用詞

wen17 06/14 22:46是否在這種外交領域有特定的意涵?

nedetdo 06/14 22:52還有人把環球時報當成聖旨在讀 難說不是別有用心

ariel0829 06/14 22:52台灣的記者….看來不是壞就是蠢

god210084 06/14 22:58新華社把烏克蘭民調89%不接受俄軍佔領國土的情況

god210084 06/14 23:00簽訂停戰條改成可接受

mrcat 06/14 23:05他談和平的代價不是再犧牲多少人命、軍費、經濟損

mrcat 06/14 23:05失來爭取勝利下的和平。基調不對

Muscovy 06/14 23:06新華社整天鼓吹投降論, 不怕八國聯軍一來漢奸滿地哦

saccharomyce06/14 23:06其實就是官腔 但居然有人能超譯

daler953114006/14 23:06這段反而有點勸俄國見好就收的意思吧?只要烏克蘭

daler953114006/14 23:07想打,北約可能就會繼續軍援下去

ariel0829 06/14 23:13這種超譯,該把李先生的英文老師列出嗎?

samvii 06/14 23:23我覺得這段話反而是在對德法跟國內抱怨通膨的那群人

samvii 06/14 23:23講的...人家國民正在死人,你們花錢而已別在那哭八

mudmud 06/14 23:24推,信雅達兼顧了

baboosh 06/14 23:32抖音這幾天都是斷章取義的 然後有些台媒應該沒查證

baboosh 06/14 23:32直接拿過來用了

baboosh 06/14 23:33這些記者是不是懶得查證還是連基本英文閱讀能力都沒

baboosh 06/14 23:33

typhoonghi 06/14 23:36我在line的上方看到這新聞標題,已經成功洗一波風向

typhoonghi 06/14 23:36

xc2v 06/15 00:43應該是叫司機繼續打 但北約不再繼續提供支援

xc2v 06/15 00:43叫司機打快一點的意思

Linlauvu 06/15 00:45外文能力強的學生畢業首選很少是台灣新聞業

Linlauvu 06/15 00:45所以牽涉到外文的資訊多比對才好

ohya3838 06/15 01:03新頭殼不意外

ki523898 06/15 01:03@xc2v哪一個字講到不再支援 若沒有你就是造謠

notd481 06/15 01:47故意的拉,就是要在台灣帶西方不可靠,趕快投降的

notd481 06/15 01:47風向

mycwk 06/15 02:29記者大概看不懂原文這樣

HenryLin123 06/15 03:09講話,這叫談話。

aicassia 06/15 05:48感謝翻譯

aeoleron 06/15 08:37造謠霉體真的噁

lpoijk 06/15 09:48就很正常的對談而已 記者真的很誇張

chantilas 06/15 11:06感謝翻譯,總算放心了

opengaydoor 06/15 12:36妹婆居然會發這麼正常的文

AaronWang 06/15 17:02看來是Newtalk亂報