Re: [iwin] 衛福部3/21會議 確定不直播

看板C_Chat標題Re: [iwin] 衛福部3/21會議 確定不直播作者
時間推噓19 推:24 噓:5 →:60

想借這串問一下,本來想說寫篇英文文章發到Reddit之類的論壇看能不能鬧更大一點(?)結果寫完了想到自己其實也不常混歐美論壇不太懂那邊生態,所以不知道到底該發去哪裡才好XDD 有版友能給點建議嗎?


Taiwanese people's freedom of reading/watching virtual works is threatened

The government of Taiwan (R.O.C.) is planning on releasing a new policy. To explain it, people who own, create, or spread virtual artworks might be subject to disproportionately harsh penalties (up to seven-year sentence) if the governmentsubjectively considers the art works to be inappropriate content, particularly those depicting child pornography. The government claims that it is to decrease the rate for child prostitution to happen; however, the policy is completely ridiculous in my opinion for the reasons below.

First and foremost, there is no clue that virtual artworks are connected to actual child prostitution. In fact, refer to the study carried out by the experts at Sexologisk Klinik(*), virtual child pornography does not lead to real child prostitution. There is also a substantial body of research showing that violence is not related to violent video games. Based on the facts, I believe there is a higher chance that virtual artworks are not responsible for any real world crimes, including child prostitution. For instance, Japan has the lowest reported rates of sexual assault and child prostitution despite having a thriving virtual porn industry, including virtual child pornography. Engagement with virtual artworks may satisfy certain desires, potentially reducing the likelihood of harmful behaviors towards real individuals. Overall, it seems to me that virtual artworks do not result in real child prostitution. Given this point, declaring owning virtual artworks a crime would be absolutely inadequate.

Secondly, there are no REAL children being abused just because someone owns or creates virtual artworks, as long as the artworks are totally fictions. On the other hand, the freedom of the owner or the creator would be severely harmed. Once the law is implemented, rather than real criminals, individuals without criminal intent are punished. This is clearly beyond the scope of government authority. Actually, perpetrators of child prostitution in Taiwan always tend to be givenlenient sentences (usually lower than four-year sentences), which incites greatanger among our citizens. I suppose it would be a better idea for the government to deal with real-world child prostitutes rather than banning virtual artworksthat are not proven to be related.

Finally, whether the art works comply with the standard is totally decided by the government, regardless of the background or the character set of the works. Without any criteria, the policy will undoubtedly become the tool for the government to control the freedom of speech. For example, if an active user on a forum opposes an inappropriate policy the government wants to promulgate, which upsetsthe government, then the government would be able to sue the user because the user has posted a picture of a child, which does not even have to be erotic in public view. This will gradually silence all the opinions against the government, and severely undermine freedom of speech in the long term.

Despite all of the unjustified aspects of the policy, the government will stillhold a meeting to impose stricter regulations on virtual artworks on 21st, March. Moreover, the whole meeting would be held privately, making all of us afraid that the meeting will be rigged. That is why I write down and post this article.I hope that we can supervise the government together, preventing it from going further on the road of dictatorship.

Here are some of the Taiwanese people’s responses to this incident.

ACGN creator's rights promotion association:

ACGN creator’s issues forum: b_channel=%E5%8B%95%E6%BC%AB%E5%B7%A5%E6%9C%83

* refer to


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LouisLEE03/16 23:52不不不,牽扯到兒色,還是不要貼過去好了

a125g03/16 23:52不會== 他國事務

class2153503/16 23:54你知道全世界禁止虛擬兒色的的國家很多嗎 持有也有罪

grtfor03/16 23:54換作是你,確定會管遠在歐洲完全沒聽過小島上面的事嗎?

laigeorge8903/16 23:54別,那邊一聽到兒色這兩個字就牙起來了

asdf194403/16 23:55尼不知道reddit是左膠大本營嗎?

laigeorge8903/16 23:56而且他們連自己都自身難保了,還可能引來髒東西介入

jojojen03/16 23:56歪果仁大多數反應:「泰國不意外」我猜這樣吧

Wilson31003/16 23:56不要喔,你這樣只會引來一堆外神

asdf194403/16 23:57就算找到偏右翼的sub大概也懶得鳥黃猴島的事情

Matrones03/16 23:57你翻成日文還比較有用,翻成英文是要助攻iwin是不是?

PunkGrass03/16 23:59欸 感覺你貼過去反而會幫iwin方增加隊友喔

PunkGrass03/17 00:00小心到時他們直接拿支持他們的外國人言論背書

hyChika03/17 00:02了解,老實說自己原本對歐美那邊也沒抱很大期待只是我弟

hyChika03/17 00:02很想做點什麼所以還是試著寫了QQ 感謝版友們指教~

necrophagist03/17 00:03唯一能想到會有援軍的是reddit/VisualNovels板

F16V03/17 00:07翻日文可能比較有用

necrophagist03/17 00:07不過你文章intro寫太短 事件來龍去脈沒先完整交代

necrophagist03/17 00:07就開始闡述反對理念 可能不會有很好效果

Retangle03/17 00:13你是想找SJW來出征嗎

hyChika03/17 00:13感覺要完整交代會長到哭更沒有人願意看完哈哈哈,應該就

hyChika03/17 00:13先放棄了但還是感謝n大建議~

a12344455603/17 00:17你找歐美幹嘛?恩不里居那群人就是用歐美的抄來台灣誒?

a12344455603/17 00:18ACG的最大隊友就日本 早就已經找來當外援

JUNOCARE03/17 00:38歐美是恩不理居友軍喔

DarkKnight03/17 00:41歐美:管不夠嚴 不行

zizc0671903/17 00:48貼那沒用== 而且反而會害到這邊

SonyXperiaZ303/17 00:53歐美普遍不了解ACG也系統性歧視ACG文化 強烈不建議

yellowhow03/17 01:31歐美就是這樣的玩法,沒用吧XD

LiangNight03/17 01:45他們參戰打宅就好笑了

sdd542603/17 01:53想告洋狀喔 你以為人家鳥你一個東亞小島在想什麼?

XFarter03/17 01:55上面有多少個真的有 Reddit 帳號的?怎麼看起來你們的敘

XFarter03/17 01:55述跟我知道的根本是平行世界?

test2378603/17 01:57歐美現在就對兒色很敏感,請鬼拿藥單,不要看什麼中國

test2378603/17 01:57俄國推的法條歐美反對圖卡這種誤導性質的導致認為歐美

test2378603/17 01:57是隊友,歐美說白只是政治上反對中俄推的法條但他們本

test2378603/17 01:57身就對兒色有意見的

Luvsic03/17 02:02他們會覺得現在iwin玩法很正常

XFarter03/17 02:03只能說樓上有些版友要造謠也造的像一點 光是 Reddit 的看

XFarter03/17 02:03板跟動漫有關的不計專版都至少五六個了

test2378603/17 02:09而且就算有支持他們連自己國內反兒色風氣都控制不住了

test2378603/17 02:09…… 要怎麼管到台灣去

test2378603/17 02:11看看精美都Gumroad

XFarter03/17 02:11

XFarter03/17 02:11

XFarter03/17 02:13

XFarter03/17 02:15以原 Po 的文章來說要發在 Reddit 沒什麼問題,每個子板

XFarter03/17 02:15(subreddit) 的聲量跟風向其實差很多,但比較常上 Trendi

XFarter03/17 02:15ng 的正常人其實為數絕對不是少數

KangarooDad03/17 04:36你他媽的有點國際觀好嗎?

Sinreigensou03/17 06:59歐美就是對兒色最敏感的 你這是送槍給iwin

Sinreigensou03/17 06:59唯一能找的只有日本

kasim1503/17 08:19美國就是一邊爆發狂歡島事件一邊要打擊二次元兒色的地方

sunwell12303/17 08:36Reddit有滿多二次元色圖板的,那邊也很多鄉民啦

john556803/17 08:40發到日本還有可能,歐美?這本來就在禁吧

hyChika03/17 09:01X大這就是我一開始想問的,不過看其他版友反應也怕一個

hyChika03/17 09:01不慎讓事情更複雜所以還是先算了,感謝X大建議~~

AirForce0003/17 09:22說個諷刺一點的,你搞不好找大陸、俄羅斯網友還比較

AirForce0003/17 09:22有辦法得到支持。儘管他們有兒色提案,但很明顯是在

AirForce0003/17 09:22讓其他歐美國家無法下台階

XFarter03/17 09:29抱歉,我上面噴完以後忘記補上一個實質的建議了,話只說

XFarter03/17 09:29一半

XFarter03/17 09:29實際上各個板塊的討論風向都有差,且你去 Anime / Comic

XFarter03/17 09:29的討論區大部分人都是正經討論動漫畫,政治偷渡梗不會像

XFarter03/17 09:29這裡這麼多

XFarter03/17 09:29不過我認為值得去這些大板塊先做一些 survey,目前我所知

XFarter03/17 09:29最有可能找到同溫層支持者的是 r/manga 或 r/anime 版,

XFarter03/17 09:29前者就是標準的日漫討論區也是最自由的

XFarter03/17 09:37你可以看一下過去赤松老師在上文被討論的內容就大概知道

XFarter03/17 09:37了。

XFarter03/17 09:37只能說西恰喜歡造謠不查證的人是真的不少,看看之前小歐

XFarter03/17 09:37盟那篇文章就知道許多人只是靠刻板印象、風向感覺在討論

XFarter03/17 09:37事情。(我沒有把我自己完全排除在外)

XFarter03/17 09:38但總結就是我認為原Po既然都打這麼長了,我認為有鑑於上

XFarter03/17 09:38面的文章的成功案例,你應該嘗試發發看。

XFarter03/17 09:44另外,由於 Reddit 的板跟文章實在太多,要找相關討論的

XFarter03/17 09:44關鍵字蠻重要的,附上我認為您一定用得到的關鍵字:

XFarter03/17 09:44political correctness, Artistic Freedom, Creative Fre

XFarter03/17 09:44edom, SJW, creativity.

XFarter03/17 09:44其中 Creative Freedom 會是能找到最多符合原 Po 想找的

XFarter03/17 09:44討論的選項。

toulio8103/17 10:53外國現在已經極端到歧視白人不是歧視了,並不是國外的

toulio8103/17 10:53或西方的就每件事都是好的

hyChika03/17 20:13感謝X大提供資訊~~看了一下r/manga的鄉民確實都對創作自

hyChika03/17 20:13由相關議題相當友善,我先試著把文章修得更著重創作自由

hyChika03/17 20:13部分看看好了

Reranx03/17 20:31英文圈可是對兒色異常敏感的地方,你怎麼會想翻譯成英文

Castle8865403/17 23:28你是不是樂子人啊?